Nail Psoriasis Study
Psoriasis can alter the appearance of fingernails and toenails and can also interfere with function.
Do you have Nails Psoriasis?
OptiSkin is looking for healthy volunteers to join our paid clinical trials. Eligible volunteers with nail psoriasis will receive free biologic medication with no placebo group. Volunteer today and help pave the next generation of psoriasis treatments.
Study Specifics
For adult patients 18+ who have been diagnosed with moderate to severe psoriasis, with or without psoriatic arthritis. Patients must be treated with etanercept (Enbrel®) therapy once enrolled.
Study length is 24 weeks after enrollment. There are a total of 4 in-person visits required. Participants will be compensated for time and travel.
To participate, you MUST have:
Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis as confirmed by a physician.
Active fingernail psoriasis (NAPSI >2)
You will NOT be eligible if you have received:
A biologic drug within the past 4 weeks.
A biologic drug within the past 6 months with a resulting in decreased white blood cell count.
Previous treatment with Enbrel® (etanercept)
Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria will apply.
For more information, contact our research department today.